DB Queries

This page displays information about the requests made to the database server. A database server provides the data requested by an application server on behalf of a client and server does all of the remaining query processing.  Right-click on a tier and go to DrillDown > DB Queries > ALL DB to view the four DB Queries as shown in Figure 84.

Figure 84: DB Query DrillDown

These four DB Queries are described below.

Slow DB Calls by Response Time

This feature is used to view the slow DB calls by response time. Right-click on a tier and go to DrillDown > DB Queries > ALL DB > Slow DB Calls by Response Time. A report displays with graphical and tabular representation as shown in Figure 86. This report displays slow DB calls by response time.          

Figure 85: Slow DB Calls by Response Time

It has the following column:

  • Query: Shows the DB query.
  • Query Count: Number of query count.
  • Error Count: Number of times the query has gotten error response.
  • Minimum Count: Shows the minimum count of the query required.
  • Max Count: The maximum count of query.
  • Min(m/s): Minimum time required for that query.
  • Max(m/s): Maximum time required for that query.
  • Avg(m/s): Average time required for that query.


  • You can view the complete query at the bottom of the window by clicking the Query link.
  • You can download the report in Word, Excel, and PDF formats.

Top DB Calls by Count

This feature is used to view the top DB calls by count. Right-click on a tier and go to DrillDown > DB Queries > ALL DB > Top DB Calls by Count. A report displays with graphical and tabular representation as shown in Figure 86. The report displays top DB calls by count.

Figure 86: Top DB Calls by Count


  • You can view the complete query at the bottom of the window by clicking the Query link.
  • You can download the report in Word, Excel, and PDF formats.

DB Calls by Business Transaction

This feature is used to view the top DB calls by business transactions. Right-click on a tier and go to DrillDown > DB Queries > ALL DB > DB Calls by Business Transaction. The DB Request Report is displayed with DB calls by the business transaction as shown in Figure 87.

Figure 87: DB Calls by Business Transaction


  • On clicking the query count, you can view all the queries.
  • You can download the report in Word, Excel, and PDF formats.

Top DB Queries by Error Counts

This feature is used to view the top DB queries by error counts. Right-click on a tier and go to DrillDown > DB Queries > ALL DB > Top DB Queries by Error Counts. The DB Request Report is displayed with top DB queries by error counts as shown in Figure 88.

Figure 88: Top DB Queries by Error Count


  • You can view the complete query at the bottom of the window by clicking the Query link.
  • You can download the report in Word, Excel, and PDF formats.


For details refer to Hotspot.

Method by response time

For details refer to Method Timing.


Exception report displays detailed information on the exception occurred, exception trend and aggregate exceptions (exception class, throwing class, throwing method, and exception count).

For details refer to Exceptions.

BT IP Summary

In IP Summary, capture all individual Integration Point Calls. This section displays BT callout summary and BT callout details. For details refer to IP Summary.